Must have initial assessment.
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been around for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of thin single use, disposable needles into specific points along the body. When booking a general acupuncture treatment other modalities may be used as well such as electro-acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, moxibustion or tui na massage depending on the patients needs and preference.
Acupuncture can be used to treat many things such as:
-Acute and Chronic pain management
-Body pain, injuries or trauma
-Mental health (anxiety, depression, stress)
-Insomnia or sleeping disorders
-Digestive concerns
-Menstrual issues (cramping, abdominal pain etc)
-Asthma or lung issues
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been around for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of thin single use, disposable needles into specific points along the body. When booking a general acupuncture treatment other modalities may be used as well such as electro-acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, moxibustion or tui na massage depending on the patients needs and preference.
Acupuncture can be used to treat many things such as:
-Acute and Chronic pain management
-Body pain, injuries or trauma
-Mental health (anxiety, depression, stress)
-Insomnia or sleeping disorders
-Digestive concerns
-Menstrual issues (cramping, abdominal pain etc)
-Asthma or lung issues
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been around for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of thin single use, disposable needles into specific points along the body. When booking a general acupuncture treatment other modalities may be used as well such as electro-acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, moxibustion or tui na massage depending on the patients needs and preference.
Acupuncture can be used to treat many things such as:
-Acute and Chronic pain management
-Body pain, injuries or trauma
-Mental health (anxiety, depression, stress)
-Insomnia or sleeping disorders
-Digestive concerns
-Menstrual issues (cramping, abdominal pain etc)
-Asthma or lung issues
Acupuncture can be used to treat many things such as:
-Acute and Chronic pain management
-Body pain, injuries or trauma
-Mental health (anxiety, depression, stress)
-Insomnia or sleeping disorders
-Digestive concerns
-Menstrual issues (cramping, abdominal pain etc)
-Asthma or lung issues
Must have initial assessment.
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been around for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of thin single use, disposable needles into specific points along the body. When booking a general acupuncture treatment other modalities may be used as well such as electro-acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, moxibustion or tui na massage depending on the patients needs and preference.
Acupuncture can be used to treat many things such as:
-Acute and Chronic pain management
-Body pain, injuries or trauma
-Mental health (anxiety, depression, stress)
-Insomnia or sleeping disorders
-Digestive concerns
-Menstrual issues (cramping, abdominal pain etc)
-Asthma or lung issues
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been around for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of thin single use, disposable needles into specific points along the body. When booking a general acupuncture treatment other modalities may be used as well such as electro-acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, moxibustion or tui na massage depending on the patients needs and preference.
Acupuncture can be used to treat many things such as:
-Acute and Chronic pain management
-Body pain, injuries or trauma
-Mental health (anxiety, depression, stress)
-Insomnia or sleeping disorders
-Digestive concerns
-Menstrual issues (cramping, abdominal pain etc)
-Asthma or lung issues
Don’t like needles? Try Cupping! (Acupuncture benefits cover this as well)
Cupping involves suction of the skin into a cup, to increase Qi and blood flow to an area or away from an area. Cupping helps to decrease pain, inflammation and muscle tension and can be used for injuries, trauma, or stress relief. Cupping can be done using strong pressure for more of a deep tissue massage or light pressure for more of a relaxing treatment. Paige normally uses a combination of stagnant cupping and gliding cupping techniques using either glass, plastic or silicone cupping depending on the patient's needs. Stagnant cupping is when skin is drawn into the cups and is left on the patient for a period of time, allowing new blood to be drawn to the area to heal. Gliding cupping also draws the skin into the cupping but is lifted and slid across the skin. It separates the skin from the underlying muscle tissue and can treat tightness, pain or stagnation in the area.
Cupping is most often used for but not limited to:
-Low back pain
-Neck/trapezius pain
-Immune system boost
-Shoulder pain
-Digestive issues
-Plantar fasciitis
Cupping involves suction of the skin into a cup, to increase Qi and blood flow to an area or away from an area. Cupping helps to decrease pain, inflammation and muscle tension and can be used for injuries, trauma, or stress relief. Cupping can be done using strong pressure for more of a deep tissue massage or light pressure for more of a relaxing treatment. Paige normally uses a combination of stagnant cupping and gliding cupping techniques using either glass, plastic or silicone cupping depending on the patient's needs. Stagnant cupping is when skin is drawn into the cups and is left on the patient for a period of time, allowing new blood to be drawn to the area to heal. Gliding cupping also draws the skin into the cupping but is lifted and slid across the skin. It separates the skin from the underlying muscle tissue and can treat tightness, pain or stagnation in the area.
Cupping is most often used for but not limited to:
-Low back pain
-Neck/trapezius pain
-Immune system boost
-Shoulder pain
-Digestive issues
-Plantar fasciitis
Don’t like needles? Try Cupping! (Acupuncture benefits cover this as well)
Cupping involves suction of the skin into a cup, to increase Qi and blood flow to an area or away from an area. Cupping helps to decrease pain, inflammation and muscle tension and can be used for injuries, trauma, or stress relief. Cupping can be done using strong pressure for more of a deep tissue massage or light pressure for more of a relaxing treatment. Paige normally uses a combination of stagnant cupping and gliding cupping techniques using either glass, plastic or silicone cupping depending on the patient's needs. Stagnant cupping is when skin is drawn into the cups and is left on the patient for a period of time, allowing new blood to be drawn to the area to heal. Gliding cupping also draws the skin into the cupping but is lifted and slid across the skin. It separates the skin from the underlying muscle tissue and can treat tightness, pain or stagnation in the area.
Cupping is most often used for but not limited to:
-Low back pain
-Neck/trapezius pain
-Immune system boost
-Shoulder pain
-Digestive issues
-Plantar fasciitis
Cupping involves suction of the skin into a cup, to increase Qi and blood flow to an area or away from an area. Cupping helps to decrease pain, inflammation and muscle tension and can be used for injuries, trauma, or stress relief. Cupping can be done using strong pressure for more of a deep tissue massage or light pressure for more of a relaxing treatment. Paige normally uses a combination of stagnant cupping and gliding cupping techniques using either glass, plastic or silicone cupping depending on the patient's needs. Stagnant cupping is when skin is drawn into the cups and is left on the patient for a period of time, allowing new blood to be drawn to the area to heal. Gliding cupping also draws the skin into the cupping but is lifted and slid across the skin. It separates the skin from the underlying muscle tissue and can treat tightness, pain or stagnation in the area.
Cupping is most often used for but not limited to:
-Low back pain
-Neck/trapezius pain
-Immune system boost
-Shoulder pain
-Digestive issues
-Plantar fasciitis
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